10 Ways To Win A Girl's Heart: The Good Guy's Guide To Winning At The Game Of Love

10 Ways To Win A Girl's Heart: The Good Guy's Guide To Winning At The Game Of Love

Matematika kerjakan operasi hitung akar pangKat V121+ v625 =............+......…...=​

kerjakan operasi hitung akar pangKat V121+ v625 =............+......…...=​

= √121 + √625

= √11² + √25²

= 11 + 25

= 36


[tex] \rm \sqrt{121} + \sqrt{625} [/tex]

[tex] \rm = \sqrt{11 \times 11} + \sqrt{25 \times 25} [/tex]

[tex] \rm = \sqrt{ {11}^{2} } + \sqrt{ {25}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \rm = 11 + 25[/tex]

[tex] = \bold{36}[/tex]
